You might know that ADHD runs in my family, making us quite chatty and sometimes hyper (there are 2 types of ADHD – hyper-activity and attention deficit). But guess what? I consider my ADHD brain a superpower! It helps me hyper-focus, get things done, and maintain a hands-on approach. That’s why I love designing and art so much.
Drawing, painting, building – anything artsy, count me in! ADHD just means processing things differently, which doesn’t bother me. However, it can come with challenges like imposter syndrome, anxiety, and mental health struggles. My journey has been all about healing, conquering anxiety, and finding the right help when needed.
ADHD just means you process things differently. TBH I don’t mind it. But there are other not so fun things that come along for the ride and if you’re not aware of these things (which I was not for many years until recently) it cane wreck havoc on your mental health and nervous system. for starters “Imposter Syndrome” if you have ADHD look up imposter syndrome. After I learned that this is real and has a name the game changed for me. there is also anxiety, so that’s fun. JK a anxiety disorder is never fun – I battled anxiety for roughly 10 years give or take after my best friend passed away suddenly.
I have been healing a lot these past 3 years and I believe I have conquered anxiety – but please do note Every one experiences anxiety, its when it interferes with your daily life is when it become a problem.
I am all about holistic approaches, but I like being transparent – please if you need help do not let your ego get the best of you and do seek help. Mental illness is an asshole, so go to your doctor and get rid of your asshole if you have used all the tools in your tool box, there’s no shame in needing help.
Now let’s talk about staying organized as an ADHD business owner. Sure, my office is messy, but I know where everything is. I use several apps to keep myself on track:
Digitally I use a lot of apps to help me stay organized
Notion: For notes, branding materials, tasks, and push notifications.
Asana – Similar to Notion, pushes tasks to your email.
Structured – With a cute UI, easy UX, and customizable colors, worth the one-time purchase.
That’s how I stay organized! Stay tuned for another post on planning social media content. Hope this was helpful! 😀